SOS – Save Old Sarum
Salisbury City Council Planning and Development Committee – Salisbury Journal 23/10/23
The council Planning and Development Committee is meet tonight at the Bemerton Heath Centre.
Councillors revied planning applications submitted since September 18, including new premises licence application and the Local Plan Review.
The meeting was chaired by Councillor and former Mayor Tom Corbin and Vice Chair is Councillor Annie Riddle.
Old Sarum Planning Application
The land at Old Sarum Airfield.
Ron Champion is a resident in Ford, He said “The planning application hasn’t been changed a great deal. They have kept area C and reduced the number of houses by five. Area A has been reduced too. The biggest thing that has changed since the last meeting is the Wiltshire Local Plan.”
He did not feel that there was any proper estimates for the development but in the Local Plan it states will cause harm to the site and that it is a site of national importance.
Ron Champion also said: “It should not be desecrated. There are at least 165 objections on the site with Wiltshire Council. I just hope you can support us by saying object.”
Cllr Tomes said: “The one thing that has always stood out for me and that is that the site is of national significance. If we lose that airfield, it would be a shame and it’s in a conservation area.”
Cllr King: “I think it is important that we keep the airfield and this is an outline application, not a detailed application.”
Cllr Bayliss: “It needs to be preserved.”
Cllr Hibbert: “My concern would be on noise, and impact on those new homes. The report regarding the rifle range is very unfair and I think they realise it would have an impact.”
Chair Tom Corbin said: “I can recall when we had a presentation and the developer said the airfield was no longer financially viable but they had reduced the flights under the guise of noise. It was just to create the business case. The way I see it, all they want to do is to get houses on there. There is nothing in the way of social housing.”
Cllr Riddle said: “I remember talking to (former MP) Robert Key about this. He said this is really a green lung in the sea of development and perhaps, not just to promote its value as the airfield but as a green lung. I also think it is interesting that Wiltshire Council has said in the Local Plan that the site is not suitable for development. Area C would also double the size of what is categorised as a small village. Wiltshire Council has allocated enough sites and I don’t agree with all of those, but this is over and above what they have seen fit to allocate themselves.”
The Council were Unanimous with objections to the planning application for Old Sarum Airfield
More housing development in unsuitable areas – Salisbury Journal 23/03/23
City Councillor Annie Riddle
Strictly speaking, you could say it’s none of my business as mere city councillor.
Our little airfield is outside the Salisbury parish border, yet everything that goes on on Old Sarum impacts city residents, especially issues around planning.
So what’s bothering me now? Housing development in unsuitable places and unsuitable quantities, you may not be surprised to hear.
The World War One airfield’s owners are undeterred by losing their battle against an inspector’s verdict that plonking 460 homes in this Conservation Area would cause “inordinate” harm to our historic environment.
They’re talking about 320 this time, still not exactly conservation in my opinion.
Yesterday people were invited to what their PR team called a ‘public consultation’, yet there is no concrete (unfortunate choice of word, perhaps!) masterplan to consult on. More of a presentation of possibilities that won’t necessarily be binding on any future builder.
Just consider what the extra traffic from 320 properties will do to the jams and the quality of life for residents on Castle Road. Consider the impact on the residents of Ford, officially designated a small village by Wiltshire Council.
Ask yourself what you want to see when you stroll up Castle Hill country park or the Old Sarum monument. How about an airfield-sized green respite amid the ever-expanding vista of new-builds? Even a few light aircraft bringing the place back to life?
for those new to the subject it’s worth explaining that the real villain of the piece is Core Policy 25 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy – a wolly policy in a strategy well overdue for revision.
This allows for an unspecified amount of “sympathetic” new development on the airfield perimeter, as long as it enhances the historic environment and retains and safeguards flying activity whilst limiting aircraft noise. All that it’s achieved is a lengthy, costly wrangle.
The Grade II* listed Hangar Three has rotted to such an extent that it’s had to be shored up under the guidance of Historic England, why hasn’t it been made wind and watertight?
According to a Journal report, it’ll be completely refurbished if the new development plans get the nod, what if they don’t?
The Core Strategy stipulates that the masterplan for the whole airfield that “protects the amenity of existing residents” should be worked up in consultation with the community, planning authority and developer “prior to any application being considered”.
That would be a start.
Parish Council Statement in Salisbury Journal 22/02/23
Parish Councillor Nick Baker
“There is a long and difficult history to the potential development of this site, but it is encouraging that in this new chapter of the story those planning the development have engaged with the parish council and local residents before submitting their application.”
“Development could potentially have a positive impact generating revenues to protect the future of the airfield and creating a valuable economic asset.”
“However there were serious concerns expressed about the impact of 155 new houses on the community of Ford, local roads and infrastructure. We hope that the feedback the developers took from the meeting will allow them to address the concerns expressed in their final planning submission.”
Parish Councillor Lainey Barker said to Mr Hodge (Old Sarum Airfield)
“You paint a very pretty picture and say you are very keen on heritage. I spend a lot of time walking round, and have a very different picture in my head.”
“I see someone who when the legal challenge went against him threw a hissy fit, threw all his toys out of the pram and has basically neglected the airfield ever since”
“You are asking me to put my trust in you but from what I see I don’t think heritage and care of the airfield is at the top of the agenda. A fancy profit is at the top of the agenda.”