SOS – Save Old Sarum


Another Appeal for the Planning Application has been Submitted.

Having won the first battle on 15th August 2024, concerning the planning application by the owners of Old Sarum Airfield to build “approx. 315 residential dwellings.” the applicants have decided, as was predicted by many, to lodge an appeal.

This will be heard on 20th February 2025 at 10am at Best Western The Red Lion, Salisbury, 4 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 2AN. If you wish to attend or speak at the appeal, you must email or telephone: 0300 456 0114 for details of how to do so.

This will be a pivotal point in the airfield’s future and many will understand the twists and turns that we have already experienced to get here. As it stands the Government’s review of housing policy appears to have no bearing on the development that is being suggested for this site, but as always your support is crucial. The principals at stake are important and will have a significant effect on Salisbury and the surrounding area, as well as nationally.

You can inspect the original application for this appeal at: Enter: PL/2023/07368

We now know that the site owners cannot be entrusted to safeguard listed buildings, how much credence therefore can we place in commitments that they have made during this application!

Join us if you can-let your presence send the message.

Save Old Sarum Airfield

Save Old Sarum has been created to fight and stop any proposed housing development or any other development on Old Sarum Airfield which if allowed,  could and arguably would lead to the ruination and ultimate closure of the airfield; an airfield which was commissioned in 1917 and has served this country well in times of war and peace.

Old Sarum Airfield is one of only three surviving WWI grass strip airfields of its type in Britain and so is of national importance in this context. Part of its importance is the inclusion of the Grade II* listed WWI hangars along with other associated supporting military buildings.

The hangars were built in 1917 and were used to house and repair aircraft contemporary to the period. They continued in use through the Second WW supporting the interventions of the Air Observation Unit, Special Operations Executive and the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Join us please in saving this historic airfield which graces the local landscape and serves the community.

Old Sarum Airfield

Old Sarum Castle

Old Sarum Airfield

Save Old Sarum

Sign Up to Save Old Sarum

If you want to object to this development, you can add your name to the list by clicking here and completing the form.

Save Old Sarum Airfield